Tuesday, August 24, 2010

All Naturale

New seasons makes me want to shake things up around our little duplex. So with the changing temps (highs of 92 rather than 102!!!), I have decided to create a few new goals for myself and for our household. (I think I still equate new school years with new years....wonder how long I'll be out of college before that habit wears off?)
One of these new goals involves a commitment to make from scratch many items that I normally buy. For example, why buy boxed brownie mix when the real thing takes about 3 seconds longer and is SO much better? Why buy linen spray when you can mix your own and decide what essence you'd like to use? Why scrub with Comet when baking soda and vinegar will create a little volcano in your tub AND make it clean!? In my quest, I'm looking for recipes for liquid dish soap and I'd LOVE to know any of your home grown tips.
Since I've been doing a little research, here are some of my favorite links for you to browse and enjoy!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Freedom in the Restraints

As we move into fall, C and I have been reevaluating the ins and outs of our summer life and have come to the conclusion that reorganization is in order. After moving in May, starting a new job, getting used to a new budget and being "in between" paychecks for an extended period of time, we found ourselves throwing our former budget (and spending inhibitions) out the window for a season. We have been excitedly embracing our new part of the world, visiting the coffee shops, finding new places to eat, to enjoy night life, to shop. We had no idea what our finances would look like once we started getting paid and for a certain length of time, had no idea when that first paycheck would hit the bank. We borrowed on credit for the most part and I would pay off the bill on a weekly basis. But we were living very aware of our blissful carelessness.

This lifestyle completely destroyed my meticulous cash budget.

It hit me about a week ago that things needed to change. We are beginning to see the structure of our new finances and I found myself getting fretful over daily necessary expenses. I remembered somewhere way back in the recesses that we actually did used to enjoy living on a tight, cash-only budget. So last weekend I sat down with my calculator and drew up a plan. It would take a week and a half of cash budgetting (with a very tight budget) and we'd be back on track. We are perservering and as I somehow expected, I am beginning to feel absolutely free again. Once there is a blue print for where we are headed, a restraint to what we can and cannot afford, our perspective on our money is freed to become reasonable. I love knowing that we have a certain amount set aside for different facets in our lives. It makes spending so much more rewarding and absolutely free of guilt.

Freedom in restraints is found in so many areas of our lives...art, music, marriage, our faith. Once committed to a belief, a relationship, a canvas, we are set free to enjoy and discover all of the blessings and beauties within. Sounds like a funny way to describe the S family's new cash budget, but it's true! So here we are, just 5 more days to go and we've still got some money for the road. Date night tonight will be an in house affair, but who needs a fancy meal when there's Netflix and a $5 pizza?

Happy Weekend!

Monday, August 9, 2010

A New Season, A New Post

It's been so long since I've written and I am thoroughly ashamed. If I have any readers left out there, let me extend my gratefulness for sticking it out. My plan from here on out is consistency! I have terribly missed not having this outlet in my life.

There has been so much to happen the past several months, I'm not even sure how to catch you up! If we thought we experienced the greatest transition of our lives the first few months we were married, God had a lesson or two to teach us!
Since winter, we have almost completely turned our lives upside down. It became evident the middle of February that the Lord was calling us to help plant a church in midtown. Almost as clearly and quickly as that tidbit was realized, we "found" (our Father provided!) an adorable little duplex right down the street from 1. the new church venue and 2. our new pastor's family. What a tremendous blessing! And all at LESS PER MONTH than we were paying for the apartment. We moved in in May and are adjusting to support raising, Caleb's new bi-vocation-ness (not sure anyone's ever typed that word before) as worship director for a budding church and part time grocer, and our new neck of the woods. God is so faithful to provide and we are currently preparing for our church launch in late September, while also diving right into community and parish building with our new church body. It is such an exciting time!
So needlesstosay, while I have had just a ton to blog about, I haven't really made the time to actually sit down and write. I miss it, though, and I am determined to try to catch up exactly where I left off.
I think I'll save the new home pictures for another day. I want to catch our rooms in the new light of day, rather than at night.
I feel better having just updated the old space, however!

See you soon!