Monday, September 13, 2010


This morning I read Romans 13:14, "Rather, clothes yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature." This spoke so clearly to my heart! Every so often I find my sinful nature slipping it's way back into a sort of thrify materialism. There is something I need to buy, some project I need to accomplish, some habit I need to form in order for me (and Caleb) to be at perfect rest. But when the Holy Spirit pursues my heart (and He always does!), I begin to see the folly in my discontentment and I instead find myself overwhelmed with joy!
Jesus loves me! Jesus delights in me! I am saved from death and able to live in freedom! Praise Jesus!
These realizations make home projects and shopping for fun seem a little dim, don't they?