It is driving me crazy that I don't have any photos updated yet!
Last night I swung by the nearest TJMAXX and landed some gorgeous red willow dishes massively discounted. I got an dinner plates for 6 and I cannot wait to pair them with the antique milk glass appetizers that are still hidden away in my hope chest. Should be perfect for the holidays!
I'm starting to view all of extraneous decor in my house as possibilities for centerpieces these days. The nice ladies from Between Naps on the Porch and Life at Home are becoming inspirations.
Unfortunately, the excitment of my weekend is becoming somewhat weakened by the looming garage sale. Hopefully it will at least be beautiful outside and we'll make some green!
Tonight is date night with husband and maybe at some point this weekend some hardcore scrapping on my wedding album.
Hope your hearts are happy this weekend!
Here's hoping I return soon with some pictures from home...
I have the most wonderful daughter-in-law!!!! How fun is this. Thank you for doing the yard sale. I hope you use it for something TOTALLY fun and not to pay bills.