Sunday, November 15, 2009

Glasses from my Great-Grandmother

This past week Caleb and I went to my grandparent's for dinner with our family and I happened to comment on a lovely set of amber glasses I spied in one of Mimi's cabinets. "They're yours'!" she said, much to my amazement. As she took them down she explained that they are a set that my great-grandmother collected from flour sacks!!

Now can you imagine opening your little bag of Gold Medal and finding one of these beauties in the bottom? I can't wait to use them. My first thought was that I would hide them away in my hope chest but I just can't help but think that life is too short and these glasses have been used for decades. They should always have a place at our table.

This weekend has been so relaxing. We've had good times with friends, some family, and it looks like the Sigler team has finally found a second car! Praise the Lord! He has provided once again!

Now for a little more resting up before another crazy week...

Much Love All,

1 comment:

  1. I can believe it! My mom & grandmother used to tell me about getting all kinds of nice things by collecting them from different food purchases. Evidently back in the day when you got something free with purchase it was well worth it.
